T&F results
The Nerd scans (not 'scours', because that would overstate the effort involved) the Internet to bring you links to the latest races. If meet results aren't posted to Athletic.net, did they really even happen?
Spring 2025 track meets
Week ended April 5, 2025
Bayard, 4/5/25, 9:00 (Distant Nerd)
Concordia collegiate, 4/5/25
Ogallala, 4/5/25, 10:00 (Nerd Stammpede)
PAL JH @ Norris MS, 4/5/25, 8:30
PAL JH @ Skutt, 4/5/25, 8:30
Perkins County, 4/5/25
Ralston Relays, 4/5/25, 10:00 (Nerdy by Nature)
Sutherland, 4/5/25, 10:00
Westside, 4/5/25, 8:00
Columbus, 4/4/25 (Joyful Nerd)
Creighton Prep, 4/4/25, 3:00 (Nerd Jr.)
GICC, 4/4/25, 11:00 (Broken Nerd)
McCook, 4/4/25, 1:00
North Platte, 4/4/25, 11:30
Plainview, 4/4/25, 10:00
Platteview, 4/4/25, 11:00?
South Dakota collegiate, 4/4/25, 12:00 (Nerd)
Bellevue East, 4/3/25, 3:00
EMF JH, 4/3/25, 10:00
LPS JV @ LNW, 4/3/25, 12:00 (Nerdy by Nature)
Norris, 4/3/25, 10:00
Osceola, 4/3/25, 9:00
Tekemah-Herman JV, 4/3/25, 4:00
Thayer Central, 4/3/25, 10:30 (Sun Nerd)
Auburn, 4/1/25, 2:30
Beatrice JV, 4/1/25, 2:00
Boone Central, 4/1/25, 1:00 (Sky Nerd)
Cedar Catholic, 4/1/25 (Hurdle Nerd)
Columbus Scotus, 4/1/25, 2:00
Cozad Quad, 4/1/25, 4:00
Falls City Tri, 4/1/25, 4:00
Friend, 4/1/25, 10:00
Gretna East JV Quad, 4/1/25, 2:30
Hi-Line, 4/1/25, 10:00
Kenesaw, 4/1/25, 11:00
Omaha North 9/10, 4/1/25, 3:00 (Nerd Dawg)
St. Paul, 4/1/25?
Stanton, 4/1/25, 11:00
West Point, 4/1/25, 12:30
Wilbur-Clatonia, 4/1/25, 1:00 (Sun Nerd)
Yutan Relays, 4/1/25, 3:00
GI/Kearney dual, 3/31/25
Humphrey, 3/31/25
Papio South/Elk South dual, 3/31/25
Week ended March 29, 2025
Ashland-Greenwood, 3/29/25, 9:00 cx'd
Boystown, 3/29/25 (Sky Nerd)
CSM PAL JH, 3/29/25 AM (Nerd Sr.)
Aurora, 3/28/25 (Broken Nerd)
Conestoga Tri, 3/28/25
Mount Marty Class A, 3/28/25 (Joyful Nerd)
Morrill, 3/28/25 (Distant Nerd)
Sidney, 3/28/25 (CW Nerd)
Tekamah-Herman, 3/28/25, 11:00
UNK collegiate, 3/28/25 (High Mileage Nerd, Nerd Dawg)
Wayne State collegiate, 3/28/25, 10:00 (was 3/29)
Deshler, 3/27/25, 3:00
Lincoln Northeast @ LNW, 3/27/25 (Nerdtron)
Mt. Marty, 3/27/25 (Nerdennan)
Perkins County, 3/27/25 (Word Nerd)
Wisner-Pilger Tri, 3/27/25, 4:30 (Nerd Senior)
Doane (Pioneer Conf), 3/26/25?
Central City (Merrick), 3/25/25
Elkhorn South JV, 3/25/25 (Nerd Dawg)
Thayer Central, 3/25/25 (Sun Nerd)
Week ended March 22, 2025
Concordia Class A, 3/22/25, 9:00 (Joyful Nerd, Nerdy by Nature)
Wayne State, 3/22/25 10:00 (Wild Nerd, Young Nerd)
CSM Class A, 3/21/25 (Nerd Dawg)
Concordia Class B/C/D, 3/21/25, 9:00 (Sky Nerd)
Concordia Class B/C/D, 3/21/25, 4:00
Elkhorn High, 3/21/25, 1:30 - cx'd
CSM Aksarben, 3/20/25, 3:00 (Nerd)
Concordia Sandhill (Class B), 3/20/25, 2:00
Doane Class D, 3/20/25, 1:00 - cx'd
UNK Class D, 3/20/25, 11:00 (Nerd on the DL)
Spring 2024 track meets
Week ended 5/11/24
State JH meet, 5/11/24 (Nerd atTack, Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Class C
C1-JCC, 5/9/24 (Nerdka)
C3-Oakland, 5/9/24 (Wild Nerd)
C4-Hartington, 5/9/24 (Nor'Easter Nerd, Bloomin' Nerd)
C8-Ord, 5/9/24 (High Mileage Nerd)
C9-Bayard, 5/9/24 (Nerd Stammpede and guest Nerd Deanne Bishop)
Class D
D4-Bassett, 5/8/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
D7-McCook, 5/8/24 (Nerd Stammpede partial day)
D8-Paxton, 5/8/24 (potential guest Nerd)
D9-Chappell, 5/8/24 (CW Nerd)
Class A
A1-Gretna, 5/7/24 (Joyful Nerd)
A2-Papio South, 5/7/24 (Nerd Dawg)
A3-Lincoln, 5/7/24 (Nerdsam 11:00-4:00)
A4-Kearney, 5/7/24 (Nerdell partial day)
Class B
B1-Waverly, 5/7/24 (Nerd Sr.)
B3-Norris, 5/7/24 (Nerdka)
B5-Aurora, 5/7/24 (Nerd atTack, Nerd Convert)
Week ended 5/4/24
Arlington JH, 5/3/24 (Nerdka)
Arnold, 5/3/24 (High Mileage Nerd)
Dundy County Stratton, 5/3/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
Leyton, 5/3/24 (CW Nerd)
Metro Omaha JV (Bryan), 5/3/24 (Nerd Dawg)
Cross County (Stromsberg), 5/2/24
GPAC 9th/10ths (Kearney), 5/2/24
Oakland, 5/2/24 (Nor'easter Nerd)
Randolph, 5/2/24
Raymond Central, 5/2/24
Metro Omaha (Burke), 5/1/24 (Nerd Dawg, Nerd)
Atkinson, 4/30/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Best of Midwest (Sutherland), 4/30/24
HAC (Kearney), 4/30/24 (Joyful Nerd, Nerdell)
Omaha Metro (Burke), 4/30/24 (Nerd Dawg, Nerd)
Western Conf (Scottsbluff), 4/30/24
Louisville JV, 4/29/24 - cx'd
MAC (Chappell), 4/29/24 (CW Nerd)
Wakefield, 4/29/24 (Nor-easter Nerd)
Week ended 4/27/24
Ashland (Trailblazer), 4/27/24 (Nerd)
Atkinson (NVC), 4/27/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Columbus (Centennial), 4/27/24
Ponca (L&C), 4/27/24 (Bloomin' Nerd)
Fullerton (Goldenrod), 4/26/24 - postponed
Scottsbluff (Western), 4/26/24 - postponed
South Sioux City, 4/26/24 - cx'd
Wood River (LouPlatte), 4/26/24 (Broken Nerd)
Arapahoe (RPAC), 4/25/24 (Nerd Stammpede tbd)
Buena Vista (NE Frontier), 4/25/24
Hershey (SPVA), 4/25/24 (High Mileage Nerd)
PrarieWolf College Invite, 4/25/24 - cx'd
Davis MS, 4/24/24 (NerdDawg)
Norfolk Classic, 4/24/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Creighton, 4/23/24 (Bloomin' Nerd)
Dakota Valley, 4/23/24
Fremont JV, 4/23/24 (Joyful Nerd)
Grand Island JV, 4/23/24
Central NE Track Champs, 4/22/24 (Broken Nerd, Nerd atTack)
Week ended 4/20/24
Hershey, 4/20/24 - cx'd
MUDECAS (JCC), 4/20/24 (Nerdka)
Doane collegiate, 4/19/24 (Nerd Dawg)
Lexington, 4/19/24 (Nerd atTack)
Morrill, 4/19/24 - cx'd
Norfolk, 4/18/24 (Nerd Dawg)
Twin Rivers (Genoa), 4/18/24
Buena Vista Unified, 4/17/24
Buffett MS, 4/17/24 (Nerd Dawg)
Chase County, 4/17/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
O'Neill St. Mary's, 4/17/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Doniphan-Trumbull, 4/16/24 - cx'd
Fremont 9th, 4/16/24 - cx'd
Gothenburg, 4/16/24 - cx'd
Papio South dual, 4/16/24 - cx'd
Syracuse (Irish), 4/16/24 - cx'd
Wahoo JV, 4/16/24 - cx'd
Wakefield, 4/16/24 - postponed
Plainview, 4/15/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Week ended 4/13/24
Wisner-Pilger, 4/13/24 (Wild Nerd)
Burns (WY), 4/12/24 (CW Nerd)
Central City, 4/12/24 (Nerd Convert)
Fremont, 4/12/24 (Joyful Nerd, Dr. Nerd)
Medicine Valley (Cambridge), 4/12/24
Minden, 4/12/24 (Nerd atTack)
Omaha Central (Burke), 4/12/24
NWU/Doane dual, 4/12/24 (Nerd Dawg)
Sutherland, 4/12/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
O'Neill, 4/11/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Syracuse, 4/11/24 (Nerdka)
High Plains (Osceola), 4/10/24
ONW MS meet, 4/10/24 (Nerd Dawg)
GINW Tri, 4/9/24 (Nerd atTack)
Lewiston (Pawnee City), 4/9/24
Wayne, 4/9/24, 2:00 (Bloomin' Nerd)
Cambridge, 4/8/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
North Central (Basset), 4/8/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
Week ended 4/6/24
Cambridge, 4/6/24 - moved to 4/8
David City Aquinas, 4/5/24 (Dr. Nerd)
Homer, 4/5/24 (Nor'Easter Nerd)
Kearney, 4/5/24 (Nerdell)
Millard South, 4/5/24 (Nerd Dawg, Joyful Nerd)
USD collegiate, 4/5/24 (Nerd Sr.)
Waverly, 4/5/24 (Nerd atTack)
Hartington, 4/4/24 (Wild Nerd)
Hastings 9th, 4/4/24 (Nerd atTack)
Adams Central, 4/2/24 (Nerd atTack)
Chappell Tri-State, 4/2/24 (CW Nerd, High Mileage Nerd)
Dundy County Stratton, 4/2/24 (Nerd Stammpede 2nd half of meet)
Elk Point (SD), 4/2/24 - cx'd
Fullerton, 4/2/24 (Hurdle Nerd)
North Central, 4/2/24 (moved to 4/8)
Tecumseh, 4/2/24 (Nerdka)
Wayne, 4/2/24 (Bloomin' Nerd at field events)
Wood River, 4/2/24 (Broken Nerd)
North Bend, 4/1/24 - cx'd
Week ended 3/30/24
Kearney collegiate, 3/30/24 (Nerd Dawg, Nerd HD)
Omaha Westside, 3/30/24 (Nauj Nerd, Nerd)
Wayne State collegiate, 3/29/24
Bayard, 3/28/24 (CW Nerd)
Columbus, 3/28/24 (Joyful Nerd, Nerd Dawg)
Emporia State collegiate, 3/28/24 (Nerd)
Hi-Line (Elwood), 3/28/24 - cx'd
Norris, 3/28/24 (Nerdka, Nerd Convert)
Ogallala, 3/28/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
Plainview, 3/28/24 - postponed
Thayer Central (Hebron), 3/28/24
Auburn, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Beatrice, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Columbus Scotus, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Cozad, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Hartington CC, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Millard North JV, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Stanton, 3/26/24 - cx'd
West Point, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Wilber-Clatonia, 3/26/24 - cx'd
Grand Island, 3/25/24 - cx'd
Humphrey, 3/25/24 cx-d
Week ended 3/23/24
Ashland-Greenwood, 3/23/24 - cx'd
Millard North, 3/23/24 - cx'd
Ainsworth, 3/22/24
Aurora, 3/22/24 - postponed
Tekamah-Herman, 3/22/24 - postponed
Hershey/NPSP, 3/21/24 (was 3/23)
Mount Marty Class C/D, 3/21/24
Hebron/Thayer Central, 3/19/24
Sutton, 3/19/24 (Speedwalker)
USD, 3/19/24 (Nor-easter Nerd)
Week ended 3/16/24
Cambridge Relays, 3/16/24 (Nerd Stammpede)
CSM Class A, 3/16/24 (Nerd)
Concordia, 3/16/24 9:00 (Joyful Nerd)
UNK Class B/C, 3/16/24 (Nerd atTack)
Wayne State outdoors, 3/16/24 (Wild Nerd)
CSM Class A, 3/15/24 (Dr. Nerd/Nauj Nerd)
Concordia Prairie, 3/15/24 (Speedwalker)
Elkhorn South outdoor, 3/15/24 (tbd Nerd HD)
UNK Class A/B, 3/15/24 (Nerdell/Nerd atTack)
UNK Class D, 3/14/24 (Nerdell/Nerd atTack)
Winter 2024 track meets
Spring 2023 track meets
Week ended May 6
GPAC (Sioux Center, IA), 5/6/23
PAL Super Meet, 5/6/23 (Nerd)
GPAC (Sioux Center, IA), 5/6/23
Leyton, 5/5/23 (CW Nerd)
Omaha Bryan (Metro JV), 5/5/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Pawnee City, 5/5/23
Sloane, IA (Homer), 5/5/23 (Nor'easter Nerd)
Omaha Burke (Metro), 5/3/23 (multiple Nerds)
Grand Island (HAC), 5/2/23 (Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Omaha Burke (Metro), 5/2/23 (multiple Nerds)
South Sioux City (RCC), 5/2/23
Sutherland, 5/2/23 (High Mileage Nerd)
Week ended April 29
Beatrice (Trailblazer), 4/29/23
Columbus (Centennial), 4/29/23
Laurel (L&C), 4/29/23 (Nor'easter Nerd)
Leyton (MAC), 4/29/23 (CW Nerd)
Norfolk (Mid-States), 4/29/23 (Hurdle Nerd)
Pawnee City (Pioneer), 4/29/23
Drake Relays, 4/28/23 (Nerd HD)
Hershey (SPVA), 4/28/23 (High Mileage Nerd)
St. Paul (LouPlatte), 4/28/23 (Broken Nerd)
Benson, 4/27/23 (Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Buena Vista (Frontier), 4/27/23
Crete, 4/27/23 (Nerdka)
Gretna, 4/27/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Norfolk (NEN), 4/27/23 (Hurdle Nerd)
Simpson collegiate, 4/27/23 (Nerd)
LPS, 4/26/23 (Nerdsam)
Papio South JV by Marian/Prep, 4/25/23
Pawnee City, 4/25/23 - cx'd
Ponca, 4/25/23 (Nor'easter Nerd)
Summerland, 4/25/23 - cx'd?
CNTC (GINW), 4/24/23 (Broken Nerd)
Kenesaw, 4/24/23
Mudecas, 4/24/23 (Nerdka, late arrival)
Southern Valley dual, 4/24/23 - cx'd
Week ended April 22
USATF @ Millard West, 4/23/23
Doane collegiate, 4/23/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Freeman/Adams, 4/22/23 - postponed
Millard West 9th, 4/22/23 - cx'd
Wisner-Pilger, 4/22/23 (Dr. Nerd?)
York, 4/22/23 (Nerdlee)
GINW, 4/20/23 (Hurdle Nerd)
Lincoln Harold Scott, 4/20/23 (Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Louisville, 4/20/23 - cx'd
Norfolk, 4/20/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Pierce, 4/20/23 - cx'd
Ponca, 4/20/23 - cx'd
Wausa, 4/20/23 - cx'd
Arapahoe, 4/19/23 (High Mileage Nerd)
OPS Unified (Buena Vista), 4/18/23
Tri-County, 4/18/23 (Nerdka)
Wisner-Pilger, 4/18/23 (Nor'easter Nerd)
Chappell, 4/17/23 (CW Nerd)
Week ended April 15
Alliance, 4/15/23 - postponed
CUNE collegiate, 4/15/23 (Nerd Dawg & High Mileage Nerd)
KU Relays (college/HS), 4/15/23
Sioux City Relays, 4/15/23
Tekamah, 4/15/23 - postponed
Wisner-Pilger, 4/15/23 - postponed
Fremont, 4/14/23 (Dr. Nerd)
KU Relays (college/HS), 4/14/23 (Nerd Sr)
Elkhorn, 4/13/23 (Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Homer, 4/13/23 (Nor'easter Nerd)
KU Relays (college), 4/13/23 (Nerd Sr)
Omaha Central, 4/13/23 (Nerd HD)
O'Neill, 4/13/23 (Hurdle Nerd)
Papio South, 4/13/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Ravenna, 4/13/23 (Young Nerd)
Syracuse, 4/13/23 (Nerdka)
Central City Tri, 4/11/23
Chappell, 4/11/23 (CW Nerd)
Seneca (Axtell/Pawnee City), 4/11/23
Week ended April 8
Benson, 4/7/23 (Dr. Nerd)
Millard South, 4/7/23 (Nerdsam/Nerd Dawg)
Broken Bow, 4/6/23 (Hurdle Nerd)
Hastings 9th, 4/6/23
Homer, 4/6/23 (Nor'Easter Nerd)
Mitchell, 4/6/23 - cx'd
Nebraska City, 4/6/23 (Nerdka)
Malcolm, 4/5/23 - cx'd
Chappel Tri-State, 4/4/23 - cx'd
Elk Point, 4/3/23 (Nor'Easter Nerd)
Scottsbluff quad, 4/3/23 - postponed
Tecumseh JCC, 4/3/23 (Nerdka)
Week ended April 1
Bayard, 4/1/23 (CW Nerd?)
PAL JH @ Skutt, 4/1/23
Ralston, 4/1/23 (Dr. Nerd)
UNK collegiate, 4/1/23 - (Nerd HD & Nerd Sr)
Westside, 4/1/23 (Nerd Ricky Bobby)
Osceola, 3/31/23 - cx'd
Kenesaw, 3/30/23 - postponed
Pleasonton (@ Overton), 3/30/23
Columbus JV, 3/28/23 - cx'd
Cozad, 3/28/23 - cx'd
Friend (Turkey Creek), 3/28/23
Omaha North 9/10, 3/28/23 (Nerd Dawg)
St. Paul, 3/28/23 - cx'd
USD Class C/D, 3/28/23 (Nor-Easter Nerd & Hurdle Nerd)
Yutan, 3/28/23
Elk South/Papio South JV dual, 3/27/23
Week ended March 25
Grand View collegiate, 3/25/23
Hershey/St. Pats, 3/25/23 - cx'd
Wayne State collegiate, 3/25/23
Metro JV, 3/24/23
Palmyra triangular, 3/24/23 (Nerdka)
Scottsbluff (Binfield), 3/24/23
Wilcox-Hildreth (18 teams), 3/24/23
Doane Class A, 3/23/23 (Nerd Dawg)
Lakeview/Schuyler dual, 3/23/23
Mount Marty, 3/23/23 (NorCatholic)
Minden-Kny Catholic dual, 3/23/23
Perkins County (Grant), 3/23/23
Wisner-Pilger tri, 3/23/23 - cx'd
Ponca, 3/21/23 - cx'd
Week ended March 18
Chadron State, 3/18/23 B-D 9:00/11:00
Concordia Class A, 3/18/23 9:00 (Dr. Nerd)
CSM Class A, 3/18/23, 9:00/10:00 (Nerd)
Doane Class B, 3/18/23 10:00/12:00
UNK Class B/C, 3/18/23 11:00 (Young Nerd and Broken Nerd)
Wayne State B/C, 3/18/23 10:00/12:30
CSM Class A, 3/17/23, 8:00/9:00 (Nerd HD)
CSM Class B, 3/17/23, 2:00/3:00 (Nerd HD)
Doane Class C, 3/17/23 10:00/12:00
UNK Class A/B, 3/17/23 1:00 (Broken Nerd)
Wayne State C/D, 3/17/23 12:30/3:00
Concordia Class B, 3/16/23 2:00 (Nerdka)
Doane Class D, 3/16/23 10:00/12:00
HiLine triangular, 3/16/23 - cx'd
Winter 2023 track meets
Top HS winter marks - updated 3/11/23
Kansas City HS open meet, 2/26/23
College of St. Mary HS open, 2/19/23
Washburn HS open meet, 2/18/23
Chicago Vibefest HS meet, 2/18/23
GPAC @ Concordia, 2/17-2/18/23
Concordia HS open meet, 2/12/23
Concordia HS open meet, 2/5/23
UNL collegiate, 2/3/23 -2/4/23
College of St. Mary HS open, 1/29/23
Concordia HS open meet, 1/22/23
Concordia Polar Dog collegiate, 1/21/23
College of St. Mary HS open, 1/15/23
Spring 2022 track meets
State track meet results
District results
Week ended May 7, 2022
Cheyenne County (Dalton), 5/6/22
DCS Twilight (Benkleman), 5/6/22
Central Conference (Holdrege), 5/6/22
Nebraska City, 5/6/22
Fillmore Central, 5/5/22 - cx'd
Raymond Central, 5/5/22 - cx'd
River Cities (Skutt), 5/5/22 (Black Squirrel)
Best in the Midwest (Sutherland), 5/3/22
East Husker (Humphrey), 5/3/22
EMCC (Bennington), 5/3/22 (Black Squirrel)
Midstates (Battle Creek), 5/3/22
Trailblazer (Plattsmouth), 5/3/22 (Black Squirrel)
Lewis & Clark (Winnebago), 5/3/22
Alliance, 5/2/22 - cx'd
Goldenrod (Fullerton), 5/2/22 (Black Squirrel)
Louisville JV, 5/2/22
Minden throws triangular, 5/2/22 - cx'd
Week ended April 30, 2022
Centennial Conference (Columbus), 4/30/22, cx'd
LouPlatte Conference (Ord), 4/29/22
SPVA Conference (Perkin County), 4/29/22, shortened
Western Conference (Sidney), 4/29/22
Norfolk, 4/28/22 (field events and G4x800 before weather cx)
Sioux City Relays (Pierce), 4/28/22
Lincoln City Championships, 4/27/22
Best of the West (Scottsbluff), 4/26/22
Summerland, 4/26/22
Bellevue West Varsity, 4/25/22
Central Nebraska Championships, 4/25/22
Phillipsburg, KS (Superior), 4/26/22
Week ended April 23, 2022
Harold Scott (Lincoln), 4/21/22
Papio LV (Dennis Smith), 4/21/22
Schuyler (Fred Arnold), 4/21/22
Blue Hill, 4/19/22
Exeter-Milligan (McCool Junction), 4/19/22
Fremont, 4/19/22
Friend, 4/19/22
Syracuse (Falls City SH), 4/19/22
Week ended April 16, 2022
Pomona (limited Gering athletes), 4/16/22
Alliance, 4/14/22 - moved to 5/2
Henderson (Heartland), 4/14/22
Omaha Central (@ Burke), 4/14/22
Hartington Cedar Catholic, 4/12/22
Lincoln High/Lincoln East JV, 4/12/22
Millard West JV, 4/12/22 (100-200m races hand-timed)
Smith Center, KS (Thayer Central), 4/12/22
Fillmore/Central City/York, 4/11/22
Week ending April 9, 2022
Deshler, 4/8/22 - moved to 4/11/22
Lincoln Southeast/Pius dual, 4/8/22
South Loop, 4/8/22 - moved to 4/11/22
Waverly, 4/8/22 - postponed to 4/11/22
DC West, 4/7/22 - cx'd
Creek Valley Chappell (15 teams), 4/5/22
Dundee County Stratton, 4/5/22
Elk Point-Jefferson (Homer meet), 4/5/22
Week ended April 2, 2022
Winner (Valentine in SD), 4/2/22
Auburn, 3/29/22 (weather shortened)
Hartington Cedar Catholic, 3/29/22
Millard Public JV meet, 3/29/22
Papio South/Elk South JV, 3/28/22
Week ending March 26, 2022
Boytown Indoor, 3/26/22
Central City/Merrick County Triangular, 3/26/22
Arlington/Blair dual, 3/24/22
Lincoln Northeast Relays, 3/24/22
Ponca, 3/24/22 (no times recorded)
Grand Island, 3/22/22 - cx'd
Norfolk, 3/22/22 - cx'd
Wesleyan Class B indoor, 3/22/22
Week ending March 19, 2022
Wesleyan Class C and D, 3/19/22
Wayne State, 3/19/22 boys girls
Wayne State, 3/18/22 boys girls
Winter open indoor meets
State results 10/22/21
Districts results 10/14/21
Class A District A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 (Pioneers Park)
District B-1 (Platteview)
District B-2 (Mt. Michael)
District C-2 (Raymond Central)
District C-4 (Aurora)
District C-5 (Ogallala)
District D-1 McCool Junction
District D-2 (Pender)
District D-3 (Ainsworth)
District D-4 (Franklin)
District D-5 (Cambridge)
District D-6 (Bridgeport)
Most of the top-15 results and team scores for Class B, C and D are posted at https://nsaahome.org/cross-country/ under the Districts tab.
Results week ended 10/9/21
Junior High State (Papio South) 10/9/21
Goldenrod Conference meet (Burwell) 10/8/21
Lewis & Clark Conference meet (Bloomfield) 10/8/21
Capital Conference meet (Arlington) 10/7/21
Central Conference meet (York) 10/7/21
Frontier Conference meet (Swanson Park) 10/7/21
McCool Junction Invite 10/7/21
Metro Conference meet (Papio South) 10/7/21
Midstate Conference meet (Pierce) 10/7/21
SPVA meet (Perkins County) 10/7/21
Trailblazer Conference meet (Wahoo) 10/7/21
OPS Middle School meet 10/6/21
Centennial Conference (Pioneer Park) 10/5/21
ECNC meet (Branched Oak) 10/5/21
LouPlatte Conference Meet (Gibbon) 10/5/21
RCC meet (Mt. Michael) 10/5/21
West Holt Invite 10/4/21 (originally 9/30)
WTC meet (Gordon-Rushville) 10/4/21
Results week ended 10/2/21
David City Aquinas Invite 10/1/21
Lincoln Lutheran Invite 9/30/21
Raymond Central Invite 9/30/21
South Sioux City Invite 9/30/21 - Cancelled
Stanton Invite 9/30/21 - Cancelled
West Holt Invite 9/30/21 - Postponed
Results week ended 9/25/21
Doane Dean White Invite 9/25/21 (Collegiate)
Wayne State Invite 9/25/21 (Collegiate)
Rapid City Invite 9/24/21 (Scottsbluff only)
Gordon-Rushville Invite 9/23/21
Lincoln North Star Invite 9/23/21
Maywood-Hayes Center Invite 9/23/21
Nebraska City Invite Invite 9/23/21
North Bend Central Invite 9/23/21
Ashland Greenwood Invite 9/20/21
Bon Homme (SD) Invite 9/20/21 (cancelled)